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Shih-Tzu feeding

18 17:28:28

Our dog is a Shi-Tzu female, 31/2  years old, 12 lbs.
Sometimes she vomits yellow bile when her stomach is empty. After vomiting she is OK. This is since she was a puppy. Also, sometimes she is attracted to eat her own faces or eats rabbit faces (there are many rabbits in our neighborhood). What can we do?
And please tell us if it's OK to feed her with anything else than commercial dry food.
Thank you,

Hi Nick- This can be a common problem.  The bile thing can be reduced or even cured with 2-3 small feedings per day.
Is she eating at certain times?
Also, another thing you can do is give her 1/2 of a tagament tablet 1 x per day in the am. ( before she eats anything) - Wait 30 minutes and then she can eat.  Here is a link about this drug.  You can buy it at any pharmacy - ( over the counter, no RX is needed).
Tagament Link:

Next - Make sure she is on a good food with very few fillers.  I like the following:  Innova EVO, Wellness Formula, Eagle Pack and Also Chicken Soup for the Soul....
( there are many other good ones out there, too)

And last, supplements... Dog food is not always enough and you may need to supplement her with a good doggie Vitamin/Supplement:  We have a taste tests sample here:
Yum Yum good wafer treats:
The supplement will help her from wanting to ingest poop and other things that she should not be eating.

Thanks for your question, I hope that my info has been some help to you. Best Wishes,