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Dog will not eat Kibbles

18 17:27:20

QUESTION: I purchased a Wheaten Terrier at 4 months and he was 1 on the 27th of July.  At first when I got him he ate his kibbles then he had diarherria problems I must of changed his kibble to 4 different kinds. Then I found out he had Guardia. The doctor put him on the Science Diet and a fortaflora. I took away the fotaflora and the Science Diet now he will not eat any kibbles. I went to a new vet he told me to put him back on Canadae in May and in June he had hot spots all over his back leg. We have been treating this for 8 weeks. I think he may be allergic to Canadae since wheatens are very sensitive. I tried to mix store bought cans with his dry he started to eat very little with his kibbles and now he stopped. I just changed to wellness deboned fish and sweet patoatoes he is not eating it. I don't know what to do.

ANSWER: Have you run any allergy tests on him? Canidae contains chicken, and some grains, which are common allergens for dogs. It's very possible that something in the food did not agree with him. To find out what it might have been, you can get blood work done to check the exact sources. I would definitely recommend looking into that. It will greatly help you find a food that will work for him.

As for getting him to eat something, have you tried finding samples so that he can pick which ones he likes? It sounds like he doesn't like the fish, but you have other options. For a dog with allergies, I'd try to find a grain-free food with a unique protein source. Nature's Variety Instinct has a Rabbit formula, and a Duck & Turkey one. EVO has a Red Meat formula. None of those have fish, which is he doesn't seem to enjoy, or chicken, which might be what he's allergic to.

For now, you can add something extra tasty to his food, which might encourage him to eat. Things like canned food, cottage cheese, and yogurt all make great additions, and most dogs like them.

Good luck!

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: No I think he is allergic to the Lamb and herbs and Sunflower in the Canadae. I just started the Wellness two days ago and today I am going to get the grain free cans to mix it up.

If you suspect lamb, then fish is probably the best way to go. Maybe you can try some grain free fish formulas? Wellness has CORE Ocean, Orijen has 6 Fresh Fish, Taste of the Wild has Pacific Stream. Because grain free foods have more meat, many dogs find them more appetizing. You can find samples online. Most of those companies will send you some, if you contact them.

You may have to get tough with him to get him to eat. Do you leave his food out all day? If so, I would switch to specific feeding times. Leave his food out for fifteen minutes in the morning, and whatever is left after that, pick up. Repeat that one more time in the evening. Most dogs will not starve themselves. Usually, after a couple days, the dog will learn that he has to eat what he's given. It's hard to do, but it's for the best. If, however, he goes more than a few days without eating, you're going to have to give him something like canned food.