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Can dog eat peanut butter?

18 17:24:35

Hi! I been hearing alot of people saying that it is Okay to feed your dog peanut butter, is that true? Is it okay to mix it with their food? And if its okay, how often can I feed it to her? or can I only feed her once in awhile?
Please and Thank you.

Organic Pnut butter in moderation is ok. Organic Pnut butter is the best and safest to give. I don't know how you want or why you want to give your dog pnut butter...I never use it myself but plenty of people do.  The harmful things in popular brands of peanut butter (jiff, pan, etc.) are the hydrogenated and partially-hydrogenated oil. Regular P-nut butter contains way too many toxins and pesticides and I would steer clear of it. These are bad for humans, let alone for dogs! Fats are not inherently unhealthy. There are many good fats, such as those found in peanuts. Also, sugar is not added to the natural, organic peanut butters. It's simply what it says on the label with minimal other ingredients, if any at all.

HOpe this helps, Sue