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lchoc labrador diet

18 17:15:55

I have just got a 16month choc labrador who was abused by previous owners. She is underweight and small in size. I was told to give her high protein dry puppy food to build her up. It doesnt seem to be enough for her plus she scratches a lot which I understand is a sign of too much protein. What do you suggest I feed her on?

I would pick one of the common brands of adult kibble.  Just give her plenty of it.  Peggy came to us at 7 months and 55 pounds withher ribs showing.  She was a large, high energy, field Lab.  She showed no sign of weight gain until we were piling in 7 cups of Pro Plan adult in her dish.  In about 2 months we had her up to a lean 70 pounds and cut back to 5 cups a day.  4-5 cups may be enough for your dog.  

You may want to wait and see how a good balanced diet affects the scratching.  Also check for fleas and other parasites.  Pull the hair forward at the base of the tail.  If you feel or see gritty, dark reddish specks, she has fleas.  Your vet has effective remedies.  

A certain amount of scratching is normal.  If excessive scratching continues, you might try some foods with different ingredients.  Many people demonize grain, but the truth is corn is no more likely to cause allergies than chicken and less likely than beef.  Blood work is expensive, but can shorten finding the problem.  

Note, being thinner than most dogs doesn't mean being under weight.  Your dog definitely should be narrower at the waist than the hips and chest. You should be able to easily feel the ribs, but not see them. Each dog is different. Standard recommendations are a good place to start, but each dog must have its food and exercise adjusted to its individual needs. Here is a link to a good illustrated guide,