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older beagle diet

18 17:16:01

Our Beagle Sadie is 11 years old and her problem is that she sheds by the handful(extreme shedding this last 2 weeks).  I feel something is missing from her diet.  She will not take fish oil or Cod Liver oil like the vet suggested.  She is now eating Canidae for the senior dog.  Any suggestions?

I am not sure diet will make that much difference.  Canidae is well thought of, although I have my doubts how much good cause is behind most dog food opinions.  I have seen thousands of dogs thriving on Pro Plan and other foods dismissed as junk.  Have you tried a little regular liquid cooking oil?  Most of them are quite high in linoleic acid dogs need for their skin and coats.  

I would really suggest a good daily brushing.  Recently I have been using a brush with coarse wire bristles with rounded plastic tips.  I think it is more comfortable for the dogs than the highly effective fine wire slicker brushes and works almost as well.  Your dog could be doing a seasonal shed.