Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Food > why do my dog act hungry all the time

why do my dog act hungry all the time

18 17:22:37

hi i feed my dogs purina dog food and they eat but still seems like they are still hungry. i have three poms around 11 pounds
is there something elese i can get then

thank you

Why does your dog act hungry all of the time?? MOstly, I will guess, because he is a DOG!! LOL.Dogs are always matter how much you feed them. I too, have three small dogs but guess what? I NEED MORE INFO FROM YOU IN ORDER TO ANSWER THIS QUESTION SATISFACTORILY. Wbat kind of Purina? Any supplements? Any veggies or fruits? How often do you feed? How MUCH ARE YOU FEEDING NOW?? Please write again and give me a bit more to go on so I can help you. But if your dogs are the correct weight and the vet says they are healthy, then you are ok...dogs DO ACT HUNGRY MOST OF THE TIME but please write again if you like. Susan