Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Food > shih tzu kidney stones getting stones; recipe home made dog food stones - canine stones - make your own food:

shih tzu kidney stones getting stones; recipe home made dog food stones - canine stones - make your own food:

18 17:24:24

my 10 year shih tzu 19 ponds keeps getting stones she wont eat dog food i have been feeding her people food from day 1 she has to be operate on this is the third time what is the best dog food out there i dont no what to do any more

_______________-Kidney stones in shih tzu __________________
Hi - I am here to help - I can offer some recipes and supplements for your little shih tzu -  What kind of crystals or stones did your baby have?
Get back to me...
Marie Peppers LPN MA

Hi Shirley, I can give you some special recipes for dog's with kidney stones.  Do you know what kind of stone she keeps getting?
I have recipes.... JUST ask:
Let me know what the consistancy of the stone is??? ( if they have told you)

Marie Peppers LPN MA
ask the Pet Nurse