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Calcium Oxalate Stone canine diet; recipes home-made oxalate stone; Hills or Royal Canine;

18 17:25:19

My 4-year old chihuahua just had a bladder stone surgery about one week ago. The stone was sent to the lab and result came back indicating it's calcium oxalate stone.
Before the surgery he was on Hill's r/d science diet for about 7 months. After the surgery I switched the food to Orijen adult dog dry food which is high in protein (42%), low in carbs and 0 grains. My dog seems to love it.
However, my vet urged to put my dog on Hill's u/d diet but I really don't want my dog to eat any of the science food anymore but also don't want him to have stone either.
I have two jobs and I also don't have time to cook home made food for him....
My questions is, is Orijen dog food a good choice for my dog? Will high protein dog food cause calcium oxalate stoen forming again? I read the ingredients and also researched online, it seems to be a real good brand that has good quality of meat protein.
Please help...

Hi - Calcium Oxalate stones in canines can be hard to deal with.  YOUR baby needs a home-made diet or the Hill's Brand ( or Royal Canine Brand for stones....)
YOUR brand will not work at all....Sorry, this will cause more stones because of the level of Protein.
Here is a link that may help:

I know you work two jobs...I can give you a recipe that will need to be cooked just 1 day per week and you can freeze up enough for 7-10 days.
Or, your other option is the two commercial brands I mentioned above.
So sorry, this is hard!
Also, make sure your little Chi is on 1/2 a NuVET vitamin per day:

To order NuVET - call 1-800-474-7044 or go here:
Make sure you use my name : Marie Peppers and code 81098

BEST of luck

Marie Peppers LPN MA