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Dof Food

18 17:25:15

Hi, We have just bought a 4 month old Bassett Hound. We are unsure about what to feed our dog. Some other Basset Hound owners have mentioned that this dog is prone to disease (such as skin disease). We want to do our best in feeding him the best food so that he will be healthy in the future. I am trying to do some internet research on different types of dog food v normal 'human' food. However, the internet is full of all sorts of different opinions (some times conflicting). Also, we are afraid that some dog food is purely 'commercial/marketing'. e.g. Science Plan dog food looks good, but is it really? Hope you can help.Many Thanks, Regards, Josiane.

You have to remember many of the premium foods are distributed by small, part time people.  Some of them may be running down the competition on the net.  Science is likely as good as anything.  I might suggest Iams and Purina 1 have about the same ingredients and cost less.  

As for allergies, a few dogs develop allergies to what they eat.  Thus many dogs are allergic to corn because many dog foods contain corn.  Start  Your dog out on say duck and potato, and it may become allergic to duck or potato.  May as well start with the Science or stick to what the breeder was feeding.