Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Food > pet liver damage; dog food for liver disease;

pet liver damage; dog food for liver disease;

18 17:15:24

Thank you so much!   I have been looking for any help I can find.

My dog precious just got bad results on her liver counts.

 She was just fine I had her groomed and then right after she was very sore in her stomach.

She had kidney stones removed one month ago.

  She seemed to be very healthy then this happened.

she is on marin, I understand it has some Milk thistle and vit. c  and other blends.

 I read about milk Thistle but marin has about 24per cent extract.

  My vet has her on DD from hills  the venison.

she has advised a low protein diet.   Do you have any other advise?

I will do anything to help her. I would love to have her just flushed out.... get rid of toxins.

  I am giving her baby food she likes carrots. But she is not eating very much at all.

I am giving her sugar water... and some karo syrup.

please advise.

Thank you

Hi Autum,  She may be eating Very LITTLE becuse that food smells awful.
What is her breed and weight.  I will give you a home-cooked recipe for dogs with liver disease.  You can cook for her.  
I can also suggest more supplements.

Talk to you soon.

My private e-mail is

write to me here at allexperts or at my private e-mail

Marie Peppers LPN MA