Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Food > puppy chewed something shes not supposed to?

puppy chewed something shes not supposed to?

18 17:24:41

Hi there! I have a pomeranian puppy thats 5 1/2 months old,just couple days ago I bought her this busy bone chew treats, it says one the box that the chew treat is for small or medium dogs, so I thought it would be fine for my puppy, but I just found out that on the side of the box, it says not suitable for puppies or toy breeds, but she already chewed up half of the bone, the bone is really big, is that why its not suitable for puppies or toy breeds? and what will happen after she chewed it? Thank you very much! I would appreciate it if you can answer my questions.

It's probably because it's not easy for young puppies to digest bones like that, or that a chunk of the bone breaking off could cause a blockage in a small dog or puppy.  She should be fine though.  If you see anything abnormal like vomiting or lethargy, go to your vet.

Bully sticks are a pretty safe chew, but all of them will say to supervise while the dogs chewing them.  Merrick makes all sorts of really good chews, like lamb ears, trachea, dried beef strips, etc. you can find online or in some stores.