Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Food > my great dane shes 2

my great dane shes 2

18 17:28:31

QUESTION: when we give her food we heat up her kibbles so they expand then feed it to her, sometimes we put soya sauce in her food so it has some taste is soya sauce good for dogs?

ANSWER: Hello Eric:
Glad to hear you are letting her kibble dog food expand before you feed your great dane.... The answer to the Soy Sauce is no... not a good idea because there is 575mg to 900mg of Sodium/salt in each tablespoon ( 15 ml ) of soy sauce.  It would be a poor choice even with the Low sodium soy at 575mg per 15 ml.  I would suggest 1/2 cup of water and 2 tablespoons of "Iams Savory Sauce" Dog Gravy or some other type of dog sauce.  There is still some sodium but very little compared to the soy you were using.~~~~~~~

As for Great Danes, please make sure you don't walk or run your Dane after meals.  They can have a very dangerous bloat problem.  I am sure you know that because you are allowing the kibble to expand for 20 minutes before you feed.

~~~~~If I can be of any more help, please let me know.  Also, thanks for your question.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: ok thanks now i know not to give that too her ! :) i was wouldering about a dog bloating ahh weve got told three different ways a dog can bloat one person said a dog bloats when you feed her and you walk or run her AND WE GOT TOLD bloating is caused by only feeding a dog once a day AND WE GOT TOLD ! the dog is eating the food to fast and air pockets get trapped as the food goes down the dogs mouth ! could you tell me witch one of those are wright ?

Hi Again:  

Well, all three answers are correct.  The main thing to remember is to wait some time after a Dane has had a feeding.

Also, the 2 meals per day, rather than one meal will help, too..

You can only have the Dangerous Bloating with eating and then exercise/run ... You need to give at least 40 minutes of rest and relaxation.

Hope this help you.  Glad to be of service.  Feel free to ask anything else..