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bladder stones Hills Rx dog foods; dog food recipes ;

18 17:16:28

QUESTION: I have a 10 yr old sheltie. He had surgry 3wks. ago to remove more than 10 bladder stones. The Vet says calcium. Is it cheaper and healthier to make your own or buy that Hills Science Diet UD, that the vet says I should put him on ? I need to change his food as soon as possible. I would like to try home made. He has not been himself since all of this started. Thanks Bonnie

ANSWER: Hi Bonnie, Well, the ingredients in the Hill's RX foods are poor quality and not much like food at all.  Just take a look and see for yourself.  Now, if you have time and can cook at least 2 x per week, yes home-cooking is a good choice.
Can you tell me if your dog has any other problems?
Also, how many pounds is your dog?

Let me know.

Marie Peppers LPN MA

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: I would like to try the home cooked meals. Sunny has no other problems. He is over weight, the vet says,he weighs 36 lbs. His parents were on the larger side for shelties.

Did you try the SoJo's or the home-cooking recipes?
Let me know if you need more help....I love to follow-up.
thanks, Marie Peppers lPN MA

Ok, Here is a link to the SoJo's Web site:  SoJo''s is Almost home-cooked with a little help.
The GREEN bag is the one you need to buy... YOU cook up your own meats and add to the Sojo's.
Cook up enough for 4 days and keep refrigerated.  Start out slow with the mix --- ADD more meat and less of the Sojo's for the first 2 weeks.  AFTER a few weeks, then you can go with the regular amount of SoJo's for your dog's weight.

As for meats, you can add lamb or beef ( ground beef or ground lamb)  PLEASE lightly cook all the meats.  YOU can use a skillet and add a little olive oil and a dash of garlic powder for taste.  

Please give your dog 1 NuVET vitamin per day, to balance out the home cooking.

Here are the links: ( this can be found in many pet stores or order here:)

SEE Marie's NuVET site here:
NuVET is a Holistic and SAFE vitamin supplement;  Tell them Marie Peppers LPN MA, sent you.
IT is best to CALL Into the 1-800 Number for QUICK service: ( use order discount code 81098 for the 15% off Program) 1-800-474-7044 NOT sold in stores - must order on-line.

As for treats - Innova EVO and Wellness core make a grain-free treat - buy some but break them up into smaller bites... Give as few as possible.

HOPE this helps.
MUCH better than the Hill's
REMEMBER - the GREEN bag of SoJo's only ..... ( that's the only one your dog can have)

BEST wishes

Marie Peppers LPN MA