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dog food and supplements

18 17:16:26

What food would you recommend for a dog who over stimulates and has erratic behavior when stressed - This is an adult dog. . . he seems to be excited and stressed a lot.

Hi Anna,

There are so many factors to consider here and food is but one of them. What breed is he? how much exercise does he get? What do you consider the source of the stress?

occasionally, anxious dogs can be helped by lowering the protein in their diets - you might consider looking at a premium quality food that has a percentage around the 20% mark. but if the issue is lack of stimulation/exercise, this won't help a whole lot (and higher carb can lead to obesity when combined with lack of exercise).

I will be leaving AllExperts unfortunately, due to time constraints (teaching and consulting) but you can contact me at home, at if you wish to follow up on this.
Some good lower protein foods include this one:
It's a hypoallergenic food but good quality, and the protein is  adequate but not high. Since undetected allergies or food intolerance could also fuel hyperactivity, I'd give this one a shot.

Good luck- and let me know privately if I can help anymore, Catherine