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best grain free - low ph foods

18 17:14:23

I have a golden retriever/lab mix about 21 months which has been diagnosed with crystals in the urine and also gastritis in the abdomen. I would like information on a good grain free food ( for the gastritis) and also a low ph to help lower the crystals in urine.

Hello Bette,

I don't agree with the no grain diet, grains contain healthy Phytochemicals needed for proper health.

For foods with low ph I recommend all the foods from Flint River Ranch  With a pH = 6.4 these are good for dogs with digestive issues.  This from their website: "There are 2 common pH numbers: the pH of the food itself and the pH generally measured in the urine after eating the food." These foods also contain "good grains" needed for good health.

If you do decide to switch over to grain-free food, there are a few different kinds to choose from. Grain-free kibble, which typically contains potato or vegetable matter, is the most convenient on the market. Freeze dried grain free food is another option. All you need to do is add water to these pellets or nuggets.
According to a study published by the American Veterinary Medical Association, foods with cooked grains are fine.  Captive wolves are fed commercial dog food, and live longer than those in the wild. And while dogs find raw grains hard to digest, they do not seem to have a problem with cooked grains.  
There are many fine one's on the market... Just look up grain free to select one to try.

As a dog lover and I have made dogs my profession.  I always recommend a supplement called NuVet Plus.  Every dog needs to have these a part of their diet. (not sold to the general public order code needed when ordering)
