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18 17:29:19

My dog is a 8 1/2 month old Doberman Pinscher who has had ( in my opinion) Chronic diareah. I did extensive research on diets and attemptied to give him the most high quality diet that I could find...that has included (from his breeder) a fish and rice kibble then a transition to Avoderm....after researching I attempted the RAW diet (raw chicken and beef....which he seemed to react adversly to ( on and off diarreah and vomiting of bones). He has now been eating Innova for about three weeks and I am up tonight because he has again had runny diarreah IN his kennel...I have never had a dog have SO many digestive problems (although my Irish Wolfhound came close). Do you have any idea what could be the problem and any suggestions as to what diet is best?

You don't mention the vet.  He has been thoroughly checked out?  Often they pick up parasites, such as Coccidiosis.  The vet should be able to clear a problem such as that up.  The vet may also have a prescription diet that would help.  

The more questions like yours I see, the more I wonder about ''high quality'' diets. Dogs seem to have more problems on them than the inferior ones such as Pro Plan, Iams, and Science.  I have never seen a real comparison of how dogs do on different diets.  Much of the case for Inova and other such diets is based on analysis of ingredients, not feeding trials.  Remember, much of what you read may be written by somebody selling something.