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Over Weight

18 17:28:00

Hello, My name is Peter and I have a choc.labrador. He, as all labs do, loves food and is overweight. We have put him on a diet (which means 100 grams of dry food in the morning and 100 grams dry food + 2 spoons of can food in the evening) and already lost 3 1/2 kilo's. Instead of dog treats we give him pieces of carrot. Is this ok? and what more can we give him. Thank you
Kind regards
Peter Nelissen

In order to comment fully I would need to know 1) how much your dog weighs 2) how much he should weigh 3) how much exercise he gets 4) what type of food you are using (calories per 100 grams).

If you can send me this information today I will reply, but I a going on vacation for the month of June.

Severe, prolonged food restriction can damage the metabolism and cause nutritional deficiencies as well as behavioural problems, so I prefer to reduce intake moderately while increasing exercise.

Raw carrots are perfectly fine to use as low calories treats, if he likes them.