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Homemade Alternative to GD Hills Diet; home made dog food ;

18 17:24:19

Several years ago out dog was diagnosed with kidney stones. The vet prescribed UD Science Diet. After a year or two, he almost died from pacreatitis which we were told was caused by the UD Science Diet. The vet then changed his food to GD science diet and he has not had any problems for several years. However, the cost of his food is getting very expensive and I would like to know if there is an acceptable homemade alternative.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Follow up - Dog Food Recipes ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Hi- Let me know if you need more help with a recipe for you dog's kidney disease... Many folks will cook rather then use the RX Hill's diet brands / I can help...
Ask the Pet nurse
Marie Peppers

Fayee- The GD Hill's is for kidney problems and heart disease.
It appears to control sodium intake.  You may be able to do some home cooking for your dog.  Otherwise, the only other foods are RX like the Hill's and just as expensive.

Let me know if you want a few recipes.  You can have your vet look it over.  Many vets don't know about diets and cooking but you can ask your vet's opinion.

Let me know.

Marie Peppers
Ask the pet Nurse