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Dog Eating Problem

18 17:28:50

We recently obtained a purebred, white female Labrador. She's about 7 months right now and lives with 3 other dogs. One of the three, a spayed, female, 3 year old black Labrador, is obsessed with food lately. She's never been like this before. I feed her last and during the time I'm stalling her, the other dogs are horking down their food as fast as possible. This has been going on for months and I'm afraid one of them might inhale a piece of dog food and choke.

With good cause.  2 easy, Lab tested solutions.  Spread the food out on something like a cookie sheet.  Put large rocks in the dish, beyond any danger of swallowing.  Either way prevents the dog from grabbing one big mouthful after another.  

Years ago I met a black Lab at the state fair.  We all thought we understood when the girl said his name was Hoover and he was named for the way he eats.  The dog guide school kept Hoover as a stud.  We really didn't understand until I got his daughter Lola.  She was a revelation to those of us used to gluttonous Labs.  Later puppies were named Eureka and Kirby.