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american bulldog allergy

18 17:22:57

my 2 year old American bulldog has allergies. I switched to all natural balance lamb and rice food and treats and it helped some but not all. I give him bendryl and that does not work. He scratchs his face until bleeds and licks his paws several times a day.. almost chews on them. The only thing that has helped him is the steriod shot which I don't want to use on a regular basis.
What else can I do or try..

Thanks for writing. Here is what I would suggest and exactly what I would do. STOP FEEDING ANY COMMERCIAL DOGS FOODS AND ESP. STOP THE RICE IMMEDIATELY. USUALLY, not always, these allergy situations can be alleviated, and if lucky eliminated, via diet. Steroid shots will make the situation much worse once they are stopped (but they are a quick fix)and will destroy your dog's liver. You really MUST stop those and try the diet approach. I also want you to contact my mentor for years now, whom I credit with saving my Yorkie's ife as she is the best there is with diet, supplements and making suggestions for allergiers. She is an EXPERT in probiotics, digestive enzymes, APA Blend (which provide real food vitamins) and DIET. She does not charge and I have learned everything I know from her and always give her credit. YOU WILL NEVER, EVER BE SORRY YOU CONTACTED HER but this is up to you.

Now, here is what I would do. Slowly get your bulldog off anything commercially sold and start homecooking. RAW would be best but since I don't feed RAW myself (much to my mentor's disappointment). I want you to start SIMPLY. By simple I mean, REALLY SIMPLE. BUY ORGANIC ONLY PLEASE or at least with the chicken or whatever meat you are going to use, make sure it is hormone, steroid and antibiotic free even if it's not speciifically labeled "organic". The veggies must be organic.

Buy Skinless, boneless chicken breasts (not thighs, too fatty)and lightly steam them--I cut mine into pieces. (By the way, this is EXACTLY WHAT I HAD TO DO WITH MY YORKIE and the effects too time. I added the supplements that my mentor wanted me to get and things are going so well now)and used a veggie steamer. Buy organic yellow or zucchini squash and if you have have a bullet or pulverizer, mash the squash (raw) to mush. If you don't then take off the skin and cut into small pieces and steam these too then mash to mush with a fork. To this you SHOULD be adding real food supplements (by this I mean a probiotic loaded with blue green algae--my mentor explained this to me--healthiest stuff on earth and a real food digestive enzyme).

Kathy, what you are trying to do is find the culprit for your poor dog's distress and usually an ELIMINATION DIET is where you begin. Commercial dog foods, ALL OF THEM, have TOO MANY INGREDIENTS, TOO MANY OF WHICH ARE SYNTHETICALLY PUT IN THERE WHICH MEANS YOU DOG COULD BE ALLERGIC TO THESE TOO--so the situation is compounded.All of these synthetic ingredients in commercial dog food are created in a lab and if you really learn to read labels, it's mind boggling. There are so damned many ingredients you will never be able to figure out what is causing the problem On top of this you are asking your dogs compromised immune system to do something it cannot do..create friendly bacteria (this is where the probiotic comes in...A REAL FOOD PROBIOTIC, NOT FROM ANY OLD STORE)in an unfriendly environment. There is a slight possibility that your dog's allergies are from the environment BUT this is not the norm. Usually it is something in the diet that is so elusive that finding it is almost impossible.

THIS IS WHY I WANT YOU TO START FROM SCRATCH WITH THE POOR GUY. you can do it slowly or not in your case. But ASAP I would start him on the SIMPLEST, fewest ingredient-ed diet you can. THIS IS YOUR BEST SHOT AT HELPING HIM. Rice is out of the question since it's a grain and more dogs, are so allergic to the fermentation that happens in their system that it really makes them worse. STAY AWAY FROM GRAINS OF ANY KIND. I can senD you much reading material (that my mentor sent to me--it's EYE OPENING FOR SURE)ON diet, grains, supplements etc. if you like. Just email me personally at: (and ID yourself in the subject line, please!!)

What you can do now is:
--buy the chicken and squash NOW
--Go to the vitamin shoppe or wherever you can find it and buy: DDS PLUS (the best probiotic on the market for your dog's situation). YOU MUST GIVE YOUR DOG THIS PROBIOTIC ON AN EMPTY TUMMY AND NOT IN HIS FOOD--ABOUT 30 MINUTES BEFORE HE EATS. Most dogs will like it right off the plate. If he will not, then let me know. But if you flavor it or put it in any food etc. the effect of it is negated. I have one dog who will not touch it unless I mix in the blue green algae digestive enzyme that Donia recommended. THEN HE WILL LICK IT RIGHT OFF THE PLATE AFTER i ADD A FEW DROPS OF WATER..make a pasty concoction. Now my dog loves it!)
--UDO AND NEW CHAPTER PUT OUT A TERRIFIC digestive think about these.

Now, since she charges NOTHING due to the fact that she ADORES DOGS, I would love for you to contact:

This woman is brillianta and both of her dogs lived to be 19--neither ever saw a vet or tasted commercial food. both Died in their sleep, a natural death and when is the last time you heard of something like this? All of us usually have to take our dogs to the vet to be put down because one system or another has quit on the dog. This woman is amazing. Yes, she works for a supplement company but no matter what you do for you little guy, you will have to find a solution and spend some money. Donia (rhymes with Sonia) will target things for you, suggest what supplements EXACTLY you dog needs and well, I wouldn't go out on a limb here if I wasnt CERTAIN that she WILL help you too. OK??

My name is Susan. I have three dogs Buddy, Henry and Dixie cup and Donia has been helping me for years. I hope you will contact her because you will never look back. Use me as your reference and tell her what you told me. If you like,  I will tell her that you would like to speak with her also. Let me know.

At any rate, I Hope this helped you somewhat. Do not hestitate to personally email me at: or to write to Donia at:, OK? Get started on this IMMEDIATELY AND in about six weeks or so you should start see your dog less agitated and more comfy. PLEASE KEEP ME IN YOUR LOOP AS i WOULD like to know how you are doing and I mean this. Susan