Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Food > Pro Plan Select ( Purina )

Pro Plan Select ( Purina )

18 17:23:07

Dear Jessica,

 Hi, It's me again. Someone was wondering whether or not Purina's Pro Plan Select is a good dog food brand. I checked the reviews and although the reviews were all amazing only a few people have rated it so I decided to get an experts opinion. Thanks in advance !

                      - Violet

Hi Violet,

I'm not a fan of the Purina line of foods. In fact I'd put them in the category of low quality foods along with most of your better known/highly advertised brands.

The quality of ingredients is questionable, often times containing a lot of useless fillers that end up right on your lawn. Along with dyes and cancer causing preservatives.

Its my opinion that if these companies spent half of their advertising budget on quality ingredients their foods would be greatly improved.
