Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Food > wheaten colored scottie with sensitive GI

wheaten colored scottie with sensitive GI

18 17:26:47

QUESTION: I have two black Scottie who eat and tolerate most things well. The wheaten colored is from a different line and has a very sensitive stomach. He vomits and has the runs from various dog food products. He is almost two and on soloxine for low thyroid. I am sold on making his own food. Is there some place that offers a rotating home cooked diet plan of 400 calories. Jasper is 26 pounds and is fairly large sized for a Scottie. He gets frequent hot spots for which I bath him in colloidal oatmeal.

ANSWER: Good morning Kenn,

If you go to my website, look under Services, I offer a range of options which may be of interest to you. You can read my biography (credentials, experience) there as well.  We can formulate daily diets or large batches you make and freeze, or some combination. I would need you to fill in a detailed questionnaire first so I have all the background. Please contact me at if you wish to discuss this more.

Beautiful dog by the way!

All the best, Catherine

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

Jasper awakens after nap
Jasper awakens after n  
QUESTION: thank you, thank you...where do I find the questionnaire...
large batches would be ideal , as I would feed the black Scotties the same diet...they tolerate most everything..

Hi Kenn,

Can you contact me at - I generally do one dog at a time, each one needs to be evaluated as an individual. however for your healthy dogs, I'd suggest joining my yahoogroup - in response to the recalls and all the people who want to do home made diet, myself and a Moderator who is also formally trained in nutrition set up a Tutorial that helps people to balance their own diets for healthy dogs. It's a bit of math but we are online to help you get through it. I would suggest you join up and we'll help you there - and, to work up a special diet for Jasper - contact me privately and I will send you the questionnaire.

The group address is I strongly believe that owners can learn to create healthy diets for dogs with no issues, but professional guidance is advisable for any dog facing a health challenge.

You can use the same ingredients, most likely, unless Jasper needs novel proteins - but the recipes do need to be geared to the dogs as individuals (life stage, size, ativity levels). I can explain this more when we speak; feel free to call me at home too (number is on my website). If I'm not out walking my own dogs I'll be happy to chat.

All the best, Catherine