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dry vs wet for weight loss

18 17:26:44

I have a 9 yr old spayed border collie/lab. She is about 5-8 pounds overweight and I can't seem to figure out if I should feed wet or dry. It seems like the crude fat% is lower in canned than the dry. I also give her green beans as a filler & the missing link as a supplement. My  dog has  arthritis and a bone spur for about 4 years. Now at the park during exercise she's starting a rear limp and I know if I can get some weight off her it'll be ok. What do you think is the best for dieting...dry or wet or both??  Which brands or home cooking? Thanks for any advice!!

I don't think it make that much difference.  The main thing is to feed less than you have been.  If you have a chow she has been doing OK on except for the weight, less of it might be the best thing.  I  have heard of all kinds of problems that come up following a food switch.  Feed her less, and keep weighing her.  I don't think a rapid weight loss is good.  As long as her weight is slowly going down, it should be Ok.  

One thing I do like about the dry is the ease of measuring out just the right amount.  See to judge when she needs to level off.  

I would never risk my dog on a diet I fixed myself.  See