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Fibre & Canned Pumpkin

18 17:16:23

Hi, I want to add some Fibre to our dogs diet, he has just been diagnosed with Diabetes and they say a higher fibre diet is essential.  We are feeding him Low Fat Lamb & Rice from California Natural. I read another question answer where you mentioned Canned Pumpkin.  I was wondering how much pumpkin is safe to give our dog.  He is an 11yr old yellow lab approx 70lb.

If you are looking to add fiber, pumpkin 1/2 cup is about 5 grams of fiber.  There are other foods that are high in fiber, such as peas.  Cooked green beans, brown rice collard greens, turnip greens, or kale may work.  Make sure you are buying 100% pumpkin with no added sugar.  Just as long as he's still getting the protein he needs.  Ask your vet before changing anything.