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yellow corn meal

18 17:28:07

QUESTION: I keep reading as how yellow corn meal is indigestible for a dog and one of the worst ingredients.I have a bullmastiff puppy,and also read as  how they are very much prone to skin problems.I raised all my rottweilers on Kirkland (Costco) dog food without any added supplements,but am feeding this pup Nutro Natural choice and adding vitamin e and fish oil

ANSWER: Can you get back with any of your sources and ask for references to controlled studies showing dogs do poorly on corn based diets?  While dogs can't digest corn as well as they can meat, it is cheap enough to compensate by feeding more.  Yes, that does create larger, softer stools; but has no negative effect on the dog.  In the past, I have seen large numbers of dogs doing just fine on regular Purina, confirmed by X-rays and other medical tests.  All the anti corn blather comes from people selling more expensive chows and elitists that want to believe they can buy better health for their dog by spending more.  None of them have ever been able to show me any real data to back up their speculation.  

As for Nutro, I have seen too many bad reports of dogs not doing well on it.  No decent chow needs any supplements.  Fish oil contains none of the linoleic acid dogs need for their skin and coats.  Corn oil is one of the best sources of it.  

If you are still feeding the Rottweilers Kirkland, I would feed the pup it too.  An early switch to adult chow for large breeds is a proven way to slow growth and allow them to develop sturdier joints.  Keeping them lean is important too.  Your dog definitely should be narrower at the waist than the hips and chest. You should be able to easily feel the ribs, but not see them. Each dog is different. Standard recommendations are a good place to start, but each dog must have its food and exercise adjusted to its individual needs. Here is a link to a good illustrated guide,

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: how much corn oil for a 10 lb pup,1 tablespoon/day?thanks.I thought about adding fish oil for the DHA that puppy food has.thanks again

A table spoon sounds like a lot, likely a teaspoon would be enough.  He may not need any.  As for DHA, I forget what it stands for, but it is just a fancy marketing name for linoleic acid.  A year ago I was feeding a puppy Iams puppy chow, and I would laugh every time I saw the ''Contains DHA'' sticker.