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Collapsed Trachea Yorkie; pet Nurse Marie can help yorkies...!

18 17:24:59


Me and toby
Hey I have a yorkie named toby and he is 2 years old..I am very stressed and worried bc I love him more than anything.  He is my child and I got him from a breeder and got his papers, I got him when he was 9 weeks and since he was in rhode island, they put him on a plane, so I picked him up from the airport and 3 days later I noticed he was coughing, right away I got scared and took him to the er vet, and they diagnosed him with kennel cough and put him on antibiotics..anyway this past weekend he was coughing really bad on saturday on and off so I panicked and took him to the same er vet..They checked him vials and said his heart was ok lungs ok, took his temperature and weight..Hes 100% yorkie, 8 lbs. They took xray that indicated a collapsed trachea..I lost it when he said that :( I asked him if it was serious he said it can be..but with treatment he should be okay..It also was inflamed. So they put him on prednason and an antibiotic for his inflamation..He seems so much better and its only been 2 days, but I did alot of googling and researched it a bit :( and got upset saw stories of their dogs dying from it and i just got soooooo upset..I also got rid of his collar and bought a harness..hes going back to the vet in 2 weeks for a recheck and I want to know your opinion? it also says many dogs with collapsed tracheas get heart disease? is that only if its not treated? Also im pretty saw his heart and had a good idea when they checked him? I also saw a site that has honey cough syrup for their throat, I was wondering if I can also put him in a daily medicine to help?  Do you think he will be okay? He is also not neutured..What should I do about that? Please get back to me asap :(  I love animals!! If I wasn't so emotional sensitive about animals I would be a vetinarian..Animals are like our family..I appreciate any responses, anything that will help.

Hello Lisa - this is a common problem with many breeds.  YOUR vet sounds like he/she is doing a good job!  Don't worry about the heart as long as you are caring for this problem the heart should be ok.
Just keep on top of the situation.

Here are some things to help:
1.  raised feeding - give this kid a raised feeding station - feed at least at "shoulder length" so he doesn't have to bend down.  This will help him to not INTAKE too much Air.
2.  Tell your vet that your baby will be taking some supplements:
  a.  Vitamin E ( just a cat dosage (1) 50 IU of Vit E per day - this is the Vit E for humans.... ( hide in his food or cheese) / daily)
  b.  a good IMMUNE system booster and body healer is NuVET Plus - it helps healing by reduction of inflammation ....also, this is an allergy blaster.... Many Yorkies have allergies...
Call them today and order  1-800-474-7044 ( I would give your kid 1 NuVET wafer per day ) long term.....VERY healthy and SAFE - All Natural for your Yorkie...  ( tell them  "marie" sent you for a 60 count at 39.99 and ASK about the 15% OFF )

3.  You may want to feed WET and dry food mixed - It will help if the food has some moisture / to avoid choking - add water or WET canned food and dry mixed...  And RAISED feeding stations...

I sure hope this helps - we can add a few more oils and supplements if needed.  Keep me posted by my private e-mail...
Let me know how the raised feeding and Vit E and NuVET does????

Marie Peppers
Anyone can write to my private e-mail for advice..

Don't worry!