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Siberian Husky Puppies feeding

18 17:15:38

I received a Husky pup that is 5 weeks old and I was wanting to know food you would suggest for such a young pup to eat.  I a currently feeding him 2x a day.  Also, I have found that they are prone to vision problems is there a vitamin that I could put him on to help prevent him from getting it?

Thank you for your time.

5 weeks is a little too early to be away from its mother.  Almost any of the commercial puppy chows should be OK.  If you are feeding one now, I would continue it.  There is a lot of talk about different foods, but it is mostly marketing hype.  There is no evidence that the more expensive foods are any better.  You don't have to buy a steak dinner to get good nutrition.  

All your dog foods have plenty of vitamins and minerals.  Stick to a dog food and little else.  Adding things will only upset the careful balance and is more likely to cause harm than good.