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Purina DCO dog food

18 17:24:43

I have a yellow lab and a black lab who are both 2 years old and brothers.  They have always had loose stools.  I have only fed them Canadae but my vet suggested switching them to Purina DCO for the loose stools.  I have read some very poor reviews of this food and was wondering if you have any comments on this food.

The DCO must be one of their prescription foods, and I am not familiar with it.  

I am very familiar with all the reviews of dog food.  None of them have any basis in fact.  They are all based on speculation about the ingredients.  I suspect they mostly trace back to marketing hype from Candae and others selling premium foods.  I give no credibility to much of what I read.  Many of the ''facts'' aren't so or are presented using emotionally loaded words.  I have never seen a logical, factual, honest validation of the rating systems.  

What I have seen are large, professionally managed programs that have done their own testing.  Their studies are not available to the public, but I know what they feed.  The service schools have excellent results feeding common brands including Pro Plan and Iams which score very low on all the rating systems.  When I first learned the foods I was seeing such great results with scored low, I started looking at the rating systems.  As far as I can tell, people have decided some ingredients are good and others bad with no reference to the results from feeding them to dogs.  

The Canidae scores well on the rating systems, but your dogs aren't the only ones doing poorly on them.  I would give the DCO a try.

I would also have the vet recheck fecal samples.  Out of 20 dogs, I have never had to change food to solve a loose stool problem.