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my 4wk old pup

18 17:24:25

hi, i just gotten a 4week old maltese mixed, and i would like to know what is the proper food he should be eating, at the moment he is eating cesar, but he is not drinking any water. please can you assist?

Four weeks old? What kind of breeder would let a puppy go that soon? That is unconscionable...way too young. If you went to a pet shop then I am speechless.

Feed the dog exactly what he is on for now. This pup should be with him mother and litter at this time and I hope like crazy that you don't have problems by getting it waaaaay too in two months too soon.

So feed it the Cesar if that is what it will eat and add water to the food if it's not drinking. This breaks my heart that you have one so young. Go easy with it and later on get that dog off that is terrible food but this puppy's digestive system is not even fully formed at this point and I pray you do not have problems, I really do.

I have nothing to add at this time because of the age of this dog. Just keep it alive and feed it what it's used to..add water and be sure to use nutrical. You don't want any hypoglycemic attacks. You had better RUN to a GOOD VET with this pup because 4 weeks is just too young for this pup to be taken from it's litter mates and mom. You are going to have to be EXTREMELY careful to raise this pup in a healthy manner..

I could make all sorts of food suggestions for you but will hold off. Write again when you KNOW the dog is going to be ok and is eating well. Cesar is not something I would EVER feed any dog but if that is what he is on, then you cannot switch now. It's a shame because the dog should be getting NURTRITION and not food like that. You may even need pedialyte for it to drink. Check with your vet and as soon as you can get that dog off that junk food, ok? You also might want to learn to read dog food labels yourself so you can see what garbage they sell in the stores.

I feed mine almost RAW and do not deal with commercial dog foods at all. For this pup you might want to start boiling some organic chicken to mix with the Cesar--OH SO SLOWLY. But I am afraid to say much here because of the age of the dog. Who on earth would allow a four week old tiny dog to be taken from it's mom and mates? Maybe this little one was the runt and being ignored by the mother or something like that? Darn, I wish you luck with this. Sue