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pug puppy

18 17:23:31

I live in India. I've got a pug puppy who is 45 days old.
I am giving him cerelac( baby food for humans) as recommended by one of a pet owner..
i give him 4 times a day.. 2 tbsp in 1 small bowl of water. Is that ok or should i switch to any other which you"ll recommend.
Also here the temp is around 36 degree celsius in the can  i make him sleep in an AIR CONDITIONED ROOM WITH THE TEMP OF 20 DEGREE CELCIUS.
Also hes having some kind of infection near his tail and hind a kind of pink red spots due to which he keeps on biting and liking them.
I know am asking alot of questions but still can u please help me out.
Its really urgent.

Hi Sana,

Your puppy will enjoy the 20C room. Dogs like pugs over heat more quickly due to their short nose so its great that you have that room available.

For the infection he really needs to see a veterinarian.

I know the availability of things vary there, can you tell me what meats or dog foods you have available in your area. When I know that I can get you going on a good diet plan for your pup.
