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Raw Food Diet

18 17:26:29

QUESTION: Hello, I have a 3 months old Shih Tzu puppy. I just started her on the raw food. Currently I am mixing half of a nugget with 4 or 5 spoons of dry food. The owner of the pet food store just told me that it is not good to mix them because of the digestion rate. Is this true? Cause if according to the recommended portion of the raw food company, the puppy should only be feed 1 nugget per meal twice a day which I really don't think it is enough. I would like to continue to mix them with the dry food. Can you advise me if that is ok? Thank you.

ANSWER: First of all, the owners of pet food stores pretend they know more than they do!! Same with any field where there is $$$$ involved. My questions to you are:

1)Are you a dietician or nutritionist? I ask only because feeding raw is more than it appears. And even those who homecook can do more harm than good. Puppies need more calories, more fat than adult dogs; more vitamins, minerals etc and people who, with all the good intentions in the world, start feeding a raw diet need to know what they are doing. Your pup needs much more than just feeding raw meat and if you are not an expert in this field I would <gag> simply going with a high end puppy food. Consult a certified nutritionist if you are not sure. Here are two links for you--one is a gal I have been using for years to help 'nutrionize' my dogs and she charges nothing--she does sell supplements however but is not pushy.

1) DONIASEA@AOL.COM Tell her Sue Behlmar recommended you.
2) nutritionist who does charge but is very good.

Now,it upsets me that on one hand you are feeding raw and on the other giving your dog chemicals in the form of dry food!! WHY ON EARTH WOULD YOU WANT TO DO THAT??? This tells me that you probably should get much more education in how to feed your pup and I hope I don't sound critical of you----I am trying to help. But seeing that you want to add horrible food to raw food just MAKES NO SENSE AT ALL.
YOu said, "I would loke to continue to mix them with the dry food"--WHY? WHY? WHY?

As far as portions, your pup should be fed four times a day at this age. You should ask your vet about amts and not go by the package. I will assume you are using Nature's Variety organic food because you said nugget--they have nuggets or medallions as some call them. I use this food too, but Donia (not Donna) had to counsel me cause it really is not complete enough--no dog food is. However, NV is a great food (WATCH THE BONES, PLEASE CAUSE THEY CAN BE SHARP) BUT YOU cannot just feed him THAT.

It sounds like (this may not be true)you are using guesswork and a smattering of knowledge you picked up here and there. Since your pup is so young, I would rather see you feed him--HORRORS--Wellness or Innova high quality foods that to do what you are doing. And for heaven's sake, do not listen to pet store employees.

Hope this helped a little even if it wasn't exactly what you wanted to hear. This time in his life is CRITICAL for have to get ir right because it will set the tone for the rest of his life. Please get some professional help on feeding or just buy a very high quality, COMPLETE dog food--at least this way, you KNOW what he is getting nutritionally. Sue

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------


  I am very thankful of you setting me straight. My puppy is like my child and I love her more than anything and only want the best for her. This is the first dog that I've ever had, so you are right, I have no clue what I am doing, except reading many, many materials that are out there. But like you said, different people say different things, so I am pretty confuse to what is good.

  Right now, I am feeding her Orijen dry food in the morning mixing it with Merrick Before Grain canned food. Dinner I am feeding her the canned food again mix with Primal Raw Nugget.

  Reason I started looking into the raw food diet is because she has a ear infection since I brought her home when she was 8 weeks old. My vet said it is possible that she has allergy as well. And I read that raw food is best for puppy who has allergy. Do you think the food I am feeding her is good?

In my previous response to you I gave you the true EXPERT'S email. She will not charge you and I would like you to email her with your questions. Again, her email is:

Tell her that Sue Behlmar (dogs are Dixie, Buddy, Henry) referred you and had been guiding you but now she has suggested that I contact you.

Be Prepared: Donia (rhymes with Sonia) is going to tell you that ALL commercial food is horrible--and it is. But the alternative, home cooking is just as dangerous to your dogs, long term, if you don't know exactly what you are doing. She will help and guide you and you will very soon be UNconfused. But again, she is quite fanatical about feeding and supplements (which she sells and I also use AND SELL) AND she has been a godsend to my dogs.

Now having given you all of the info again, I will tell you that Orijen is a high end dog food if there is such a thing. What you really need to do is LEARN TO READ LABELS AND LEARN WHICH INGREDIENTS ARE GOOD AND WHICH ARE HORRIBLE FOR YOUR DOG. yOU NEVER WANT by products, fillers or preservatives. These are kidney and liver killers down the road. You want the first five ingredients in any dog food to be proteins and meats--at least the first TWO and the next three or four should be veggies and a some sort of protein (a NAMED PROTEIN JUST NOT MEAL BY PRODUCT--never)or meal. Google, "reading dog food labels" and you will qute an education.

Ok? An ear infection certainly is not good and the vet is immediately going to give you an antibiotic--and in the beginning you might need this. But anytime you use an anitibiotic you also MUST USE A PROBIOTIC. This is critical and the medical profession will not tell you this.

Look under this link and if you are so inclined order a bottle of acidolphilus and SBG Zymes to put in your pups food. Email me for details on how to use, how to store etc. IF YOU ARE INTERESTED IN USING THESE. Anytime a dog is on meds (and if yours has an ear infection he will be on meds) he must also be given PROBIOTICS AKA acidophilus. Same with humans.

I have never heard of Primal Raw it organic? Again, what are the ingredients?? Be very careful using RAW...let me know how things are going....Susan