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Science Diet Alternative / Kidney disease canine

18 17:25:21

I've had my Yorkie on Science Diet U/D for about 3 years now.  They recently increased their prices by about 30%.  Is there another dog food that promotes urinary tract health in dogs?  3 years ago she had some issues with a kidney stone and she hasn't had any problems since that was removed, but she's also been on this U/D food since then.

Hello Patrice, Well, I understand your concern about the Science Diet price increase.  The only other comme/commercial dog food for Kidney is Royal Canine Brand/ RX brand.  I don't believe there will be much of a change in price between the two.

The only other thing you can do is cook your own dog food.  I can give you a few recipes if you would like.

Marie Peppers LPN Ma
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