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maltese skin condition ; Maltese NuVet Plus supplement;

18 17:16:14

Been taking temaril-P twice a day for 1 week for allergic skin.  Has been chewing on paws, and vet diagnosed yeast infection and prescribed ketoconazole orally, which he said frequently causes vomiting and/or diarrhea; I really don't want to give him another oral med.  He has only eaten Royal Canine dog food for small dogs since he was born, has small firm stools which have no odor.  Any suggestions?

Itchy paws on Maltese ;  NuVet Plus for Maltese; Follow up:
I hope the wipes will help Rocky's paws...
Let me know if about 30 days, how the NuVET supplement is helping..
Marie Peppers / Ask the VET Nurse

Hi Marlene, I have a little Maltese, too!
The Temaril-P is ok for short term usage.
Here is my itchy dog suggestions....

1.  give a 50 IU of Vitamin E  ( 1 per day)  IT is very hard to find such a small dosage of Vit E in the stores: YOU may have to special order it.  ( ON-line or ask CVS or Walgreens to order it for you.... NO more than 50 IU per day ...
Long term -

2. Next, Give this baby some NuVET Plus - 1 wafer per day:  YUM YUM good - Allergy blaster and immune system booster.
SEE  here for more NuVET Info

Call in at 1-800-474-7044   ( ask them for the 60 day Guaranteed Trial)
60 day money back guaranteed  ( tell them 81098/ Discount Code)
Also, tell them you are Work with Marie.

3.  Wipe the paws - EVERY time he comes in from outside - With an Unscented baby wipe " huggies " one of the good brands for human babies.
He may be allergic to dirt, pollen or even grass.

As for Yeast/ The NuVET will help with that.
NuVET is not sold in stores/  HOLISTIC and only sold thru Holistic vets and the manufacturer.

The Royal Canine is not the problem --- sounds all Environmental

BEST wishes!

Marie Peppers LPN MA