Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Food > dog food reviews - grain free : NuVET follow up;

dog food reviews - grain free : NuVET follow up;

18 17:23:11

I just received your answer to my quest.regarding paw licking/dog food.I went to the suggested site,but am totally confused with the reviews.Can you just recommend a good dog food to try that is grain free/allergy recommended?Also,I have already ordered my NUVET;is it too late to put your name with it? THANKS FOR YOUR HELP!!

Hi - Just wanted an up-date?   How are you doing with my suggestions?
Do you need any more help?
Marie Peppers LPN MA
Ask the Pet Nurse

Hi - No worries, you did come in under my register of names.  Glad you did order the NuVET - As far as dog foods : My favorite grain-frees are:
Innova EVO; Wellness Core; or Merrick Before grain.
All 3 are sold at many pet stores.

E-mail me once you get going on the new food and the NuVET - soes  I can help guide you.
My e-mail  (

BEST wishes

Marie Peppers LPN MA