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Mastiff puppy with rash

18 17:22:58

My 4 1/2 month olf English Mastiff puppy has been eating Purina Healthy Morsels since she was weaned from her mom. The breeder has been feeding this to her dogs for years so I kept her on the same food after bringing her home. I have had her for just over 3 weeks and in the last 2 weeks she has began shedding really really bad. She also has broken out in a lumpy rash on her back and sides which seems to be very itchy to her. She bites and scratches at it constantly. Her coat has become very sparse and thin.

I took her to the vet who said she is just more or less shedding a lot and to buy a Furminator. Also told me to use Benadryl to help ease her itching. My dog is going insane right now. Could she have an allergy to her food or what is happening with my new puppy? She is an inside dog and does not have fleas. She doesnt look mangy and its not coming out in spots...just seems to be shedding tremendously all over in equal amounts. HELP!

Hi Kimberly-  Wow, Yes - I can help you and your pup:

1.  let's slowly work her OFF the Purina and go to Innova Puppy: Wellness puppy or the Merrick brand of puppy food....
Do a 50:50 mix for 3 weeks - After the 3 weeks go 100% to the NEW food.
Purina is loaded with junk corn....awful for the coat...  OK>>>>>>>>>

2.  Now - for allergy - itchies and the Shedding - Please start her on the NuVET wafer treat right away...
*YOU will need to call-in today and they will get this Amazing supplement right to your door.  
I have great results with my clients taking the NuVET supplement.
The NuVET will help to Blast the allergy problem you dog seems to have developed.
NuVET will build the immune system and help to fight Off food and environmental allergies.

Give (1 1/2)  NuVET Plus Wafer see here:
Tell the Girls Marie want your dog on ( 1 1/2) per day

Call today :  1-800-474-7044
Use order code 81098 and ask about the 15% OFF program...
Tell them Pet nurse Marie sent you ....NOT sold in stores.

Next -
Ask the NuVET folks to send you the Dog Oatmeal shampoo ---
and the "Tea tree oil" hot spot spray ... Dog oatmeal shampoo - use just every other week.

The spray can be used on any areas that seem very itchy... Heals and gives relief to the itchies.

If you can't find the foods I referred to , let me know.

BEST wishes guys!!!
Marie Peppers
My private e-mail-