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Dog peeing on our couch

18 17:26:11

I'm not sure why but our dog has never peed on the couch and I'm questioning if she might have something wrong with her medically? She begs and my children and I do give her bites of our food. I recently saw a list of foods at the vet and was wondering if ginger snap cookies are toxic -I accidently dropped one on the floor yesterday and she grabbed it. She did seem to have loose stools/diahrrea this morning so I'm questioning this still later in the day. Please let me know and if there is a remedy. thanks for your help.

Hi Mary!

Very funny, this issue, since I am personally addicted to ginger and I have found that all my dogs absolutely adore ginger cookies! I just last night shared several with my beloved Danny. Even my friends dogs who are not especially food-motivated love them. Must help neutralize all that hydrochloric acid...well whatever the cause, dogs do love ginger...and, it's asolutely safe, unless you gave huge concentrated doses via capsules, which could A)upset the stomach and B) thin the blood too much for some cases.

Ginger is very safe and I use it therapeutically all the time.
Now - you didn't say what your dogs normally eat or what is in the cookie - but, depending on many variables, it *could* be the gluten in the wheat flour. Many dogs are sensitive to gluten and can react dramatically to it's inclusion in the diet. Then again, the cookie might not be related to the loose stool at all.

I wish I could help more, but - this is a question with many variables, and all I can say decisively is that ginger itself is not toxic at all.

Has the loose stool resolved at all?

Let me know if I can help more,