Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Food > what tofeed to get a parvo puppy eating again

what tofeed to get a parvo puppy eating again

18 17:23:31

I was wondering what you would recommend I feed to a puppy who is about two - three days with parvo and becoming skinny. I have been mixing electrolyte fluids with baby chicken food ,small amt of baby cereal, some condensed milk ,and plain yogurt making it a liquid and then giving 5 cc - 10 cc per hour with no evidence of vomiting . Today she started drinking water about 3 bowls on her own would you recommend anything else to do , to keep the puppy's blood sugar and energy level up . Please send recommendations. Thank You Colleen

Wow Colleen - good luck with feeding the Parvo pup.  
Keep up the good work and stay in touch with your VET if needed.
Here is a recipe for a good solution to feed the baby :

Home made pup formula-
13 oz. canned evaporated milk
13 oz water
4 oz. plain yogurt (1/2 cup)
4 egg yolks
1 tablespoon of liquid vitamins* (check with vet)
*If you are in a pinch you can leave out the vitamins.
Or NuVET powder mixed into the formual  ( NuVET Plus Powder Vitamins )

1 tablespoon
Order NuVET here: