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Dalmatian with Urates and Struvites

18 17:23:58

I have a 1 year old neutered dalmatian that had a urinalysis done over the weekend. He has an infection so was prescribed an antibiotic. Plus the vet said he had loads of crystals in his urine. They were urates and struvites. Need help determining a QUALITY food, not just Hills U/D. I have been looking at Flint River Lamb but not sure if that is a good choice or not. Please help!

I have never seen any evidence Flint River or any other brand is better than Hills.  Most of what I read about dog foods is speculation based on the ingredients.  You really have to dig to find any hard evidence one way  or another.  I recently came across this, but it hardly covers a wide enough range,

I can't document it, but I know the service dog schools are highly successful feeding common brands including Science Diet.  I don't know of any large, professionally managed program feeding Flint River or similar brands.  Some of them don't even do the limited AAFCO testing.  

If you are going to look at how well dogs do on a food, Hills is a quality food.  I think you should follow your vet's recommendation.  The U/D is specially formulated for your dogs condition.