Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Food > Hello...


18 17:26:37

My name is Stephanie and I have a peeckapoo that is about 2 years old. He always stayed a pretty good size when he was a pup, but now that he's growing up he is not keeping his weight on him. My boss suggested that I try getting him a dog food that was based more on meat (such as chicken or lamb) instead of being based on vegetables (such as corn). Do you think this will help, or do i need to try something else?

Good afternoon, Stephanie.

Your boss is correct, a meat based food would certainly be better for your dog.   I can certainly help to recommend one for your boy if you'd like.

A good meat based food should be all your dog needs to maintain a healthy weight.  Please keep in mind that a dog should be fit and trim.  You do want to easily be able to feel your dogs ribs.  

Please do let me know if you'd like some help choosing a good quality food.

Gail E. Vigneault