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fish potato allergy diet

18 17:22:57

we've been told by our vet that our dog's recurring ear infections may be due to food allergy.  she suggested a fish/potato diet.  we'd like to prepare his food ourselves, but are concerned about him getting adequate nutrients and a balanced diet.  spike weighs between 18 and 20 pounds.  
what are your suggestions?
thank you

Hi Elspeth,

My suggestion would be to have someone like myself, a trained professional, formulate the diet for you and help you monitor response, add in new foods and supplements, and not attempt to do a therapeutic diet by yourself. While it's true that owners can often homefeed successfully following a reliable book such as Dr. Pitcairn's or Monica Segal's, with therapeutic diets it's trickier and you will not help your dog if the diet manages a condition but contributes to ongoing nutrient deficiencies. Fish and potato diets can be helpful but are in no way balanced for longterm nutrient needs.  Since the pet food recalls I am now seeing so many problems with dogs whose owners fed a home made diet without knowing how to balance nutrients, I am more adamant than ever that with health conditions, people need to seek the support of an experienced professional.
If you would like to discuss a consultation with me privately,please see my site at for an idea of how I work, and contact me directly if you'd like to discuss this in more detail.
But I do urge you at the very least, to consider a fish and potato (or any elimination diet) as a short term strategy only. Dogs need multiple vitamins and minerals as well as fatty acids, protein and fiber, and in the correct ratios as well as amounts - it can be daunting for a layperson to attempt.

All the best,please let me know if I can help more,