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husky puppies

18 17:26:05

i got two husky puppies for christmas. there mother got run over so at the moment they are only 4 weeks old. we didn't get much help or advise as far as nutrition is concerned for the pups.they seem quite constipated and one is being sick from time to time. they have not been wormed yet that is mondays job. but i am finding it hard to find the right diet as a am getting advise from so many different people. some say just to give them substitute milk. some say really wet/soft puppy biscuits and the mike. some eggs and the milk. please help me tell me what i should do for the best. i want them to be healthy and happy. thank you jenn

At 4 weeks, some milk replacer would be a good idea.  Offer them plenty of mush made from puppy chow and water.  Over the next 2 weeks, you can cut out the milk replacer and add less and less water to the chow until it is dry.  
Puppies need the stimulation of their mother licking them to eliminate.  Try stroking their back and maybe their anus.  Do each puppy when it whines.  That allows the mother to remove them from their sleeping area to eliminate, the start of housebreaking.  

Cows' milk isn't good for puppies, and raw eggs aren't good for any dog.  .