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I have a 25 days old bull terrier puppy

18 17:15:53

I have a 25 days old bull terrier puppy, we have never owned a dog before, so i have lots of question, what to feed him? I m feeding him with a mixture of chicken peices, rice milk and carrots cooked together. my second question is how often i should let it sleep, and how much exercise it needs every day? and the most important question is how to potty train it?

Hello Hina, Well, is there any puppy food in your country that you can purchase?  Even human baby food is great for a little puppy that is this young.  I would make up some puppy formula and have him drink that up in a small saucer or bowl.  
Here is a recipe for puppy formula -  He should be getting this daily for another 3 weeks.

Formula for pups:

Make your own puppy formula by mixing a 13-oz. can of evaporated milk,( OR RICE MILK)  13 oz. of water, 4 oz. of plain yogurt, 4 egg yolks and 1 tbsp. of liquid vitamins.

I use NuVET powder vitamins --- You can't get this product in your country.  Got to a Pet store and look for the Pet Liquid Vitamins or even Human Infant liquid vitamins will be fine.

Water is very important, especially with formula that includes yogurt and canned milk.

Sleeping - this baby will need to seep 19 hours per day.  Feed him every 2-3 hrs via syringe, bottle or saucer.  After the feeding he will pop and then go back to sleep.

Put down pottie pads or newspaper for him to potty on.
He is too young for major potty training right now.

PLEASE see your local Vet for his puppy check up and puppy shots.

YOU can get some good books on puppy care at
There are a number of book stores that will ship to your country.

Good luck and please see a VET as soon as you can.

Marie Peppers LPN MA

NuVET vitamins - order here:
( for US and Canada only )