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regarding c/d diet food

18 17:24:55

i have  an 14 year old Cocker spaniel mixed with chihuahua  she had stones and were remove from her the doctor put her on c/d diet from hill's at first there was not problem with here eating it but now she has not eaten i 4 days she is shaking because she is hungry is there an alternative from c/d a different taste also she will eat her kibble but its to hard for her is there also a softer kibble please let me know

Please go buy some hormone free, antibiotic free boneless, skinless chicken breasts. Poach or steam them, add some rice or steamed sweet potato and watch him chow down. Forget the CD and kibble for now and get him on bland, aromatic food that will tempt him. Right now he has to eat, period!!!!!!OK? Please let me know. Sue