Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Food > GSD


18 17:28:45

hi I have recently got a german shephard cross from dog trust she is 11 wks old, they had her on pedigree chum puppy food mixed with arden grange dry food we have stuck with that she gets 2 pouches a day splt up into four feeds she has to get the runs her poo really smells as well as her wind do you think I should change the food or the quantity to help solve the problem?? thanks

I'm really not familiar with those foods but I will do some research into them and get back to you. How long since she was dewormed? How long have you had her? Stress and change of environment often causes tummy upsets. If the food has by products, corn, soy, wheat, then it could very well be your problem. If that's the case you might want to look into changing her gradually to something better.
Hope that helps