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Bulldog Diet

18 17:25:09

We have a 15 month old English Bulldog that is overweight (67 pounds) even though we have been VERY careful not to feed her more than the recommended amount daily, split into two feedings and NO table scraps at all. She is VERY active and has some solid muscle mixed in with her chubbiness. She has recently started to show signs of hip problems and the vet said the first place to start is get her weight under control. I have heard of people using green beans as a filler so that the dog will get full while taking in fewer calories, is this a good option? We have changed to a diet type of food, she had puppy food until she was 13 months old and was at 73 lbs at 12 months old so she has decreased her weight some already. I am just very worried and want to do the best thing for her. I have already started looking in to canine massage and physical therapy.

Hi Vicki,

I agree, if she's showing signs of hip problems at 15 months you want to get right on this asap. I have one food suggestion that I've seen amazing results with but not sure if it's available in your area: can you obtain any of the Acana line? Maybe call a local pet store, or check online at

I love the Light and Fit product and have my own (formerly) overweight rescue dog on it, fifty fifty with home made diet.

And the truly best way to go is home made, but unless you have the time to commit to both learning how to do this and then the food prep itself, it's better to stick with a high quality premium like Acana, that offers reduced energy in a very superior nutritional package.
If you can't locate Acana let me know and I'll look around for another one  I think will help. I know people report success with the green bean diet, but I admit I don't really like the idea of it much. I think of that as a last resort after we've tried everything else.

All the best, Catherine