Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Food > french bulldog allergy nuvet order code 81098 ; and flora force ;

french bulldog allergy nuvet order code 81098 ; and flora force ;

18 17:23:56

Hello I have a 10 month old frenchie she has been suffering allergies I had her on natures recipe farm stand select salmon food and recentley swticthed her to wellness duck and rice , I just reasearhed and saw what u recommened for skin problems and allergies ,so i got the nu vet plus and natures sunshine flora force . My frenchie now has dirrehea i was wondering how long i should keep her on this and if it might be cleaning her out or is this not a good thing??? HELP

French bulldog NuVET Plus ; bulldog allergies; Frenchie allergies; Farm Stand Select dog food;

JUST looking for an update on your French Bulldog ..... HOW are things now?  Any better ?
Keep me posted...

Hi again : Please call the NuVET folks to verify the order code :
- If you ordered off the internet E-Store please let the NuVET folks know you are working with "Marie Peppers" and referral code 81098

They do call all internet orders to make sure you are the person who ordered / protection for you...

thanks so much !
Marie Peppers / Ask the Pet Nurse

Hi Joie, So Glad you ordered the NuVET wafer - yes, this is wonderful for Allergies and over-all bullie health!
The Flora Force will help balance out the belly and help to control  the excess yeast in the belly and skin.

I would slowly change you dog from Wellness Duck to WELLNESS Core / the ocean flavor - Core has  no grain at all ( no rice and corns...)
*so, do a 50:50 mix of the old food and the new CORE for 3 weeks.
Also, give 1/2 of a metamucil cookie per day ( They make FOR humans, apple or cin cookies - they come in 2 packs in a box of 12.....
This will add bulk to the stool and stop the loose stools.
Also, you can give your Frenchie 1/2 of a Pepto Bismol Caplet * little pink pills*  give 1/2 every 6 -8 hrs for 1 to 2 days.
MOST vets will refer to this dosage when you call them.
Very safe.

Metamucil cookies are for humans but pets eat them all the time for adding BULK to the stool....

As soon as you get the NuVET - start on it right away..
The Probiotic - give 1 per day for at least 90 days.
ALL the product ( NuVET and Flora Force are Natural and SAFE...not a drug ...(

Keep me posted

Marie Peppers LPN MA

Ask the Pet Nurse
here is my bullie site: