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Triple Pet Plaque Off

18 17:20:26

Hello, what is your opinion on "Triple Pet Plaque Off" tarter remover that is added to puppy's water.  I read some of bottles have mold that could harm puppy.  or do you have recommendations?  Thanks in advance, Don, San Francisco

Hi Don,

My own preference is to help dogs to good oral hygiene by feeding a home prepared diet and using raw bones regularly for chewing - plus, daily brushing (or at least three times a week). I prefer not to use any additives at all such as the one you mention. I have used LEBA III with a rescue dog of mine and it helped a lot, but the key is not to let tartar build up in the first place. this dog of mine was older and I didn't want an anaesthetic for her. If your dog's teeth are getting a  lot of buildup, I'd schedule a visit with your vet and discuss cleaning options, Then try brushing,  raw bones (supervised if she isn't used to them)  and if possible, home made diet as opposed to kibble.
But I'd use that product with caution. I prefer LEBA if you want to go that route, have a look and see:
Hope this helps,and all the best, Cat :)