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Food for 6 month puppy

18 17:23:32

QUESTION: I just adopted a 6 month old male dalmatian/lab mix that is neutered.  I have been advised to switch to adult dog food.  I think that the puppy food he is on now must be too high in protein, because he itches more than my other dogs.  I even thought he had flees, but I checked him all over and there weren't any signs. Plus he is on Revolution and lived on cement before he came to my house.  What dog food do you recommend?

ANSWER: I would go with the adult food.  Switching to an adult chow for the larger breeds at 4 months, slows growth and helps develop sturdier joints.

Your dog definitely should be narrower at the waist than the hips and chest. You should be able to easily feel the ribs, but not see them. Each dog is different. Standard recommendations are a good place to start, but each dog must have its food and exercise adjusted to its individual needs. Here is a link to a good illustrated guide,

The itching may or may not be food related.  Have you talked to the vet about it?  If it is some kind of parasite, even the most expensive food won't help.  Most dogs will thrive on most brands of food, but no one food is right for every dog.  I would go with any of the common brands, selecting one with a different protein source than the puppy chow and perhaps less protein and more fat.  The ingredients in some foods may sound better to you, but nearly all of them provide a good complete and balanced diet.  I know Iams, Pro Plan, and Science diet are all excellent foods.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Thank you, we are for sure switching to adult food. About the parasites,he was just at the vet to be neutered and has been on Revolution for 2 months.  He is also on Heartguard, which I guess that doesn't make a difference. He has thin white hair and I've looked him all over for any sign of bugs. There isn't any flea dirt. He likes to roll on his belly and I haven't seen anything there.  Cleanest, pink belly I've ever seen. Also, the itching isn't excessive, just off and on.  Lately it's been his knees, feet, side, and face.  We've had him coming in the house for weeks before we adopted him and there is no sign of a flea infestation anywhere in my house either.  Everyone keeps telling me that he doesn't have fleas, even the lady that runs the adoption at the shelter, but I have a phobia of that sort of thing.  OH, and he is on Pet Promise right now.I realize that you specialize in diet, so I'm sorry if this is out of your expertise.

Some of the stuff the vet needs to do a skin scraping and look at it under a microscope.  

Since Revolution does heartworm too, you can discontinue the Heartgard.  They also take care of some other things too, but not everything.  You need your vet's help to find and correct the problem.