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Bischon Frise - bladder stones

18 17:15:37

My 9 yr old female bischon for the 3rd time had bladder stones remove.  They were the rough ones.  I am desperate on what to do to prevent them.  Our vet had her on Hills Science C/D and is suggesting G/D.  She also has been on S/D.  I am willing to cook for her or whatever it takes to prevent these.  This last time she was in so much pain.  They did emergency surgery on her.  Her urethera was blocked with a couple stones, so she couldn't urinate.  It was very scary.  If you have any suggestions I would appreciate any input I can get.  I don't want to see the little go through this AGAIN.


Hi Jeanne,

Sorry to hear about your dog. That is such a painful illness. Diet plays a large part in bladder stones, foods high in protein contribute to the amount of minerals in the urine. Vets always prescribe Hills Prescription Diets.
A diet lower in minerals and protein and higher in fiber will help with any chances of bladder stones forming again. Finding a natural formula specifically made for dogs that are susceptible to bladder stones or any brand your vet suggests will help as well. Brands highly recommended for bladder stones are Royal Canin SO and Science Diet S/C. It is also very important to make sure your dog is drinking plenty of water. Water will keep the urine continuously passing through the bladder and flushing it which will make it less likely for her to get stones again. It is also important to make sure she is getting exercise to prevent the bladder stones from coming back. With any ailment, I suggest a supplement called NuVet.
These are not sold in stores so an order code is needed.  
I have a Bichon on Life's Abundance from that has had stones.  She is no longer is having issues.

Best of health to you and your dog.
Susan Potts,CPG