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Organic Supplements

18 17:28:02

First a statement: I am new Rep for a wonderful Supplement Company out in Washington State and am pretty savvy about probiotics and digestive enzymes. However, one of my customers asked me about a supplement that can help a Maltese with a chronicly upset stomach. Since Pepsid is working like a charm and since the puppy is eating enthusiastically ON THE PEPSID, she wants to know if I know of any natural supplements (she does not want to keep this pup on Pepsid)that would be helpful to her tummy. I have already recommended a probiotic and a digestive enzyme but am now wondering if there isn't something more targeted toward this pups upset tummy. Thanks so much.

Hi Susan,

I am notorious for asking more stuff than I answer - at least in the inital discussion. <g> There is just too much here I am uncertain about; I never make suggestions unless I have a very thorough idea about the individual case at hand. So, here is what I'd want to know:
How old is this dog? When did the upset stomach start? What's the technical diagnosis? What are the symptoms? Above all - what's the diet?

I am reluctant to work with supplementation in the absence of a clear diagnosis and a dietary work- up. In my experience, a probiotic and/or digestive enzyme may actually exacerbate the problem - depending on what type and amount of each are given and most importantly, what's causing the issue in the first place. If it's actually *stomach* as opposed to intestinal, it may well even be stress. I'd be happy to explore this more with you, but I'd need more information before trying to recommend.
All the best, Catherine